
This is my archive

Displaying social updates made fast & simple!

Searching for the best way to implement social posts into your website? Look no further! With WP Social Wall you can quickly implement social posts into a wall that fit the design of your website.

Own your data

All data collected by this plugin will only be stored in the sites database. You own your content. Not only that but with this concept there is no need to fetch the content from external API's on runtime which makes this plugin crazy fast.

Multiple platforms

Make a social wall wich consists of posts from multiple social platforms. We format all social posts into one shared table on your site. Then we just sort the posts on creation date and show all requested platforms at once.


No one likes to be stuck with a boring design that does not even fit the look and feel of their site. WP Social Wall allows you to display your posts in any way you like.

Supported social platforms




More integrations coming soon(ish)!

Download the plugin for WordPress

  1. Download and install the WP Social Wall Plugin
  2. Request your API token
  3. Connect to your social accounts
  4. Display the social posts

Get Started

Wondering how to get started? No worries we got you covered. We've written a small guide to get you on your way to implement WP Social Wall on your site.

Show me the way

Feature request?

You know as well as I do that this plugin has potential. But perhaps this is not (yet) what you are looking for. Get in contact with us to share your feature requests and perhaps we can work something out.

Get in contact